
Computer Science Crash Course


Hardware Evolution

Early Computing Tools [P1]

early computing

Manual Calculation

2500 BCE, abacus, Mesopotamia [0230]

1613 ~ 1800s, human computer & pre-computed tables [0430]

  • earliest word “computer”: job title
  • militaries Range Tables: the angle to set the canon [0640]

    canon/shel’s design changed → whole table recomputed: time consuming & led to errors → 1822 Charles Babbage


1694, Leibniz, Step Reckoner 步进计算器, decimal [0458]

“it is beneath the dignity of excellent men to waste their time in calculation”
1st machine cap with + - × ÷, used for the next 3 centuries

slow: could take hours/days to solve real world problems
expensive: hand-crafted 手工制作

→ turn to human pre-computed tables [0620]

Charles Babbage: father of computing

  • 1822, Difference Engine 差分机 (could approx polynomials) [0732]
  • during construction of the Difference Engine, Analytical Engine 分析机 [0815]

    general purpose computer: given data and run ops in sequence; had memory and even a primitive printer

Electronic Computing (History of Main Component) [P2]

Electronic Computing


relays 继电器 [0135] — 1944, IBM, Harvard Mark I (one of the largest electro-mechanical computers) [0105]

slow switching speed: mechanical arm has mass → can’t move instantly (50 times/s in the 1940’s)
wear and tear 齿轮磨损: Anything mechanical that moves will wear over time

  • number of relays ↑, probability of failure ↑
  • replace, on average, one faulty relay every day, big problem in the running important, multi-day calculation
  • These huge, dark, and warm machines attracted insects — bug

Thermionic valve (diode → triode)

thermionic valve 热电子管, 1904, electrical component [0345]

  • two electrodes电极 inside an airtight glass bulb 气密玻璃灯泡 — first vacuum tube真空管
  • thermionic emission: electrode heated, electrons emit, electrode2 attracts — flow of electric faucet
    • only if electrode2 positively charged (negative or neutral charge, electrons not attracted across the vacuum)
    • diode 二极管: electronic component that permits the one-way flow of current [0415]
    • needed a switch to turn flow on | off

triode vacuum tubes 三级管: 1906 [0425]

1906, American inventor Lee de Forest, added a 3rd “control” electrode (btw the two electrodes) in Fleming’s design

  • positive charge to control electrode → permit the flow of electrons as before

no moving parts — less wear, switch thousands of times per second, become the basis of radio, long distance telephone

fragile, and can burn out like light bulbs

initially expensive, a computer might require hundreds or thousands of electrical switches

by the 1940s, cost and reliability improved, electro-mechanical computing → electronic computing

1943 12, Colossus MK 1, 1st large-scale use of vacuum tubes for computing [0540]

1st version of Colossus contained 1,600 vacuum tubes

regarded as the 1st programmable, electronic computer

  • Programming by plugging hundreds of wires into plugboards — [P10 ], sort of like old school telephone switchboards
  • while “programmable”, it still had to be configured to perform a specific computation

1st truly general purpose, programmable, electronic computer: 1946, ENIAC [0635]

5000 ten-digit additions or subtractions per second, many, many times faster than any machine that came before it
operational for ten years, estimated to have done more arithmetic than the entire human race up to that point

with that many vacuum tubes failures were common
ENIAC generally only op for about half a day at a time bf breaking down

1950s, vacuum-tube-based computing reaching its limits


transistor 晶体管: 1947, Bell Lab [0736]

  • 2 electrodes sep by semiconductor半导体 (a material that sometimes can conduct electricity)
  • the control wire attaches to a “gate” electrode
  • changing the electrical charge of the gate → manipulated the conductivity of the semiconducting material

faster: switch 10,000 times/s, today millions/s
smaller:could be made smaller than the smallest possible relays or vacuum tubes, today < 50nm in size
running longer: transistors were solid, unlike vacuum tubes made of glass and with carefully suspended, fragile components, today can run for decades

1st fully transistor-powered: 1957, IBM 608 (smaller and cheaper computers)
most common material of semiconductors: silicon → Silicon Valley; Shockley Semiconductor…employees later founded Intel [0930]


electro-mechanical devices: repre decimal numbers by teeth on a gear;
electronic computers with transistors: turn the flow of electricity on | off [P3 0025]

Why Binary [P3]

Binary: 2 states [P3 0040]

  • possible to use transistors to allow for diff levels of current [0115]

    Some early electronic computers ternary, even quinary (5 states)
    more intermediate states → harder to keep them all sep (nearby signals can get mixed up)
    gets worse with transistors changing states millions of times per second
    just ‘on | off’ → most distinct signal to min these issues

  • Another reason computers use binary: entire branch of math already existed that dealt exclusively with T/F — Boolean Algebra 布尔代数 [0150]

    George Boole, self-taught English mathematician in the 1800s

Bool Logic & Logic gates [P3]

3 fundamental ops: NOT | AND | OR [0243]

easily build boolean logic out of transistors [0305]: NOT/AND/OR/XOR gate [0400, 0525, 0610, 0715]
Logic gates

call them gates: they ctrl the path of current [0443]

Binary Representation [P4]

how represent info beyond T/F — math: T/F states → 1 | 0 [P4 0015]

  • represent larger things: add more binary digits to the front (same as decimal)

Bit & Byte

a “bit“: each binary digits, 1 or 0 [0315]
8-bit computers, 8-bit graphics or audio…8-bits such common in computing → special word: byte

  • Kilobytes KB, Megebytes MB, Gigabytes GB, Terabytes TB
  • 32-/64-bit computers, op in chunks of 32 or 64 bits [ P4 0430]
  • computers today use 32-bit color graphics — Instagram photos

Numerical Repre

1st bit for sign: 1 for negative, 0 for positive, remaining for the number itself [0456]

“floating point” numbers [0550]

  • IEEE 754 standard repre: scientific notation, significand有效数字 & exponent指数
  • 32-bit repre… [0630]

Text & File Repre

text repre: number the letters of the alphabet [0645]

ASCII: 1963, 7-bit code for 128 values, allowed diff computers built by diff companies to exchange data [0720]

only designed for English
a byte has 8 bits — popular to use 8th bit for codes 128 ~ 255 previously unused, for “national” char

  • national char codes worked pretty well for most countries
  • broke with the rise of computing in Asia (Chinese and Japanese have thousands of chars) — multi-byte encoding schemes, but mutually incompatible

Unicode: universal encoding scheme [0915]

most common version of Unicode: 16-bit
encoding letters: same as ASCII by binary numbers
other file formats - like MP3s or GIFs, use binary numbers to encode sounds or colors of a pixel in our photos, movies, and music — long sequences of bits

Binary Storage [P6]

computers must label locations in their memory (aka addresses), in order to store/retrieve values [P4 0538]

latch & register

Storing 1-bit info: AND-OR latch & Gated Latch

AND-OR latch 锁存器: AND for storing bit 0, OR for 1 [0120]

  • (1, 0) => 1, (x, 1) => 0, (0, 0) => whatever is last put in
  • 2 input ==> 1 input Gated Latch 门锁 [0315]

Storing 8-bit info: 8-bit register

register: group of latches
put 8 latches side-by-side → (8 bit) register 寄存器 [0435]

early 8-bit register → 16-bit, 32bit → today 64-bit


256-bit memory

Putting latches side-by-side works ok for a small-ish number of bits
while 64-bit register: 64 (input wire) + 64 (output wire) + 1 (write-enable wire) = 129 wires; 256-bit → 513 wires

256-bit memory: 16×16 latch matrix [0520]

  • only 1 single latch write-enabled at any given time → allow a single, shared, write-enable && date-in wire

    wire saving: 16 rows/columns for the latch selection, 1 data-in wire, 1 write-/read-enable wire = 35 wires

  • write data in on a particular latch (read data same)
    • Step 1: turn on the corresponding row AND column wire (activate this latch)
      • 16 rows && cols → 8-bit latch addr (4-bit each for row/col) [0700]
      • require 2 multiplexer 多路复用器 (a compoent to convert latch addr into something that selects the right row or column), each for row/col selection [0700]
    • Step 2: turn on the (single, shared) write-enable wire
    • Step 3: put data in the (single, shared) data wire


8 256-bit memory in a row → 256 addrs, each hold an 8-bit value [0837]

  • given a 8-bit (latch) addr, each 256-bit memory component store 1 bit info (out of the total 8-bit info)

modern computers scale to MB / GB of memory [0930]

  • GB (a billion bytes, 2^30) of memory: 32-bit addresses** (2^16×2^16 matrix)

an important property of this memory: we can access any memory location, at any time, and in a random order → it’s called Random-Access Memory, or RAM [0955]

multi RAM example

  • stores things only when power stays on —> persistent memory: survive without power [0040]

an actual stick of RAM, a 1 MB RAM module from the 1980’s: 128×64 bits × 4 × 32 × 8 = 8M bits = 1 MB [1015]
a real RAM

Binary Loading

how data/program instructions read & stored in computer RAM

programs (a series of individual instructions: “instruct”指示 the computer what to do) [P7 0040]

Early Programming [P10]

how program load into memory? [0025]

Early Textile Manufacturing

early machine programming need (bf the dev of computers) in textile 纺织 manufacturing, for pattern fabric 图案纺织品 [0050]

to weave a big red tablecloth, simply feed red thread into a loom and let it run
wanted the cloth to have a pattern like stripes/plaid 条纹/方格?

  • workers would have to periodically reconfigure the loom as dictated by the pattern
  • labor intensive which made patterned fabrics expensive

Punch Card for Data

1801, programable textile loom 纺织机, store pattern for each row of cloth in a punched card 打孔卡片

textile programming

punch cards (cheap, reliable, fairly human-readable) used to tabulate the 1890 US census

1890 census

  • census worker punch out a hole at appropriate position on each card, to store individual’s data
  • when a card fed into the tabulating machine, a hole would cause the running total for that specific answer +1
  • tabulating machine 制表机, roughly 10x faster than manual tabulations [P1 0919]
  • [1050] Hollerith founded The Tabulating Machine Company…merged with other machine makers in 1924 -> International Business Machines Corporation or IBM [P1 0919]

Physical Plug Board of Wires for Program

early tabulating machines not truly computers: op fixed (only tabulate, not programmable), punched cards stored data, not a program [0215]

  • next 60 years, these business machines grew in capability
  • programmer trigger diff funcs through control panel 控制面板 (aka plug boards): plug cables (to pass values & signals bt diff parts of the machine) into little sockets 插孔 [图n]

    rewire the machine for a diff program

1920s, plug boards swappable 可插拔, allow for diff programs (for diff funcs) be plugged into a machine [0255]

plug boards complicated to program (wires tangle 缠绕) — IBM 402 account machine, popular in 1940s [图]
the ENIAC , completed in 1946, with many of plug boards, take time to wiring up

  • af a program had been completely figured out on paper, Physically wiring up the ENIAC and getting the program to run could take 3 weeks
    ​enormous cost of these early computers, weeks of downtime simply to switch programs was unacceptable

Storing in Computer memory

  • late 1940~50s, electronic memory costs fell, size grew, possible to store program in computer memory, easily changed by programmers and quickly accessed by the CPU [0352]
    • these machines were called Stored-program Computers
  • Von Neumann Architecture (Unifying the program and data into a single shared memory): With enough computer memory, could store program & data program need [0415]
    • hallmarks of a Von Neumann computer: a processing unit contains: an ALU + data registers + instruction register + instruction address register + a memory to store both data and instructions

      first Von Neumann Architecture Stored-program computer: 1948, niversity of Manchester, nicknamed Baby
      same arch used until now

load program and data into the computer by punch cards

  • load program (hundreds of instructions) and data into the computer by (stacks of) punch cards [0510]

    into the 1980s almost all computers have a punch card reader: suck in a single punch card at a time & write content into mem
    largest program ever punched into punch cards: 1955, US Air Force’s SAGE air defense system, 62,500 punch cards ~ 5 MB

    • once the program and data were in memory, the computer would be told to execute it
    • At the end of a program results could be written out of computer memory and onto punch cards by punching cards
  • punched paper tape 打孔纸带 [图] [0635]

Panel programming

  • another common way to program: Panel programming [图] [0655]

    • Rather than having to physically plug in cables to activate certain functions, done with huge panels full of switches and buttons
    • indicator lights to display the status of various functions and values in memory

      Computers of the 50s and 60s often featured huge control consoles that look like this [图]
      early home computers made for the hobbyist market use switches extensively, most home users couldn’t afford expensive peripherals like punch card readers
      The first commercially successful home computer was the Altair 8800, 1975 [图]

      • To program the 8800:
        1. toggle the switches on the front panel to enter the binary op-codes for the instruction
        2. press the deposit button to write that value into memory
        3. in the next location in memory, toggle the switches again, for your next instruction deposit it and so on
        4. When entered whole program into memory, oggle the switches moves back to memory address 0, ress the run button and watch the little lights blink
  • Whether it was plug board, switches or punched paper, Programming these early computers was the realm of experts: needs knowledge of the underlying hardware, so things like processor op-codes and register wits, to write programs — programming was hard and tedious, need a a simpler way to write programs — programming language [0816]

Programming Language [P11]

Binary Calculation [P5]

Representing and storing numbers is important for a computer, but the real goal is computation: manipulate numbers in a structured and purposeful way — Arithmetic and Logic Unit (ALU) [0015]

Arithmetic unit & Adder

arithmetic unit: numerical ops [0130]

addition circuit [0145]

  • half adder (single-bit): bit A, B ==> bit sum, carry [0210]
  • Full Adder (multi-bit): bit A, B, C (carry) ==> bit sum, carry [0345]

8-bit (ripple carry) adder 行波进位加法器 [0440]

  • overflow: exist a carry in 9th bit — sum too large to fit in 8-bit [0530]
    • avoid overflow: more adder → 16 or 32 bits (more gates, take time for carries to ripple forward) [0605]

modern computers use diff adding circuit: ‘carry-look ahead’ adder [0635]

8 general ALU ops… (how substraction implemented???) [0640]

  • no × ÷ — simple ALUs do × by +s

Logic unit

[0735] logic unit: logical ops & simple numeric test (e.g. negative test), 0-testing circuit (for equality) [0750, 0945]

8-bit ALU

[0850] 8-bit ALU with 3 flags

[0045, 0815] Intel 74181, 1970: 4-bit ALU, 70 gates, cann’t multiply & devide…

CPU & Programs Execution

CPU [P7]

[0020] 2 types of computer memory

  • Registers – small, linear chunks of memory, store 1 byte
  • RAM — a larger bank of memory that can store many numbers located at diff addr
    [0040] CPU: Central Processing Unit, to execute programs (a series of individual instructions: “instruct”指示 the computer what to do)
    [0125] (cpu) microarchitecture
  • [0500] CPU run fetch/decode/execute cycle over & over
  • [0320] Control Unit: decode & interprete instruction, [0455] directing all of the diff parts of the CPU
    [0135] a LAOD_A, LOAD_B, ADD, STORE_A example… (图1~3)
  • with an instruction completed, all wire turned off, fetch next instruction (instruction register 0 -> 1)
  • [0545] Add — [0650] save ALU output into Register A

    ALU output cannot write into registerA directly — new value would ripple back into the ALU and then keep adding to itself
    solution: Control Unit uses an internal register to temporarily save the output, turn off ALU, save data into registerA

  • [0805] clock: keeping the CPU ticking (from fetch -> decode -> exe over & over)
    • regularly trigger an electrical signal, which used used by the Control Unit to advance the internal op of the CPU
    • Clock Speed: speed CPU carry out each step of the fetch-decode-execute cycle per secondHz
      • [0925] n Hz: n clock cycles per second
      • clock cycles: time interval CPU carry out each step of the fetch-decode-execute cycle
    • [0940] overclocking/underclocking: increase/decrease the speed of CPU — dynamic frequency scaling
      • overclocking too much can either overheat the CPU, or produce gobbledygook 乱码 as the signals fall behind the clock
      • underclocking: save power, important for batteries

Instructions & Programs [P8]

  • [0235] instruction jump (set instruction_address_register.value): change order of instructions / skip some instructions
  • [0320] instruction halt: program done — allow to sep instruction & data in the same RAM
  • [0505] infinite loop: jump back bf hit halt — conditional jump, e.g. JUMP_NEGATIVE, JUMP_IF_EQUAL, JUMP_IF_GREATER
  • [0655] divide program: SUB, JUMP_NEGATIVE, JUMP, ADD, STORE instructions — add division func to ALU
  • [0825] 4 bits of opcode & data address: max 16 instructions & 16 address
    • instruction length: 32-/64-bit instructions
    • variable length instruction 可变长度指令: e.g. HALT needs no extra value (data address), JUMP needs

      [0910] 1971 Intel 4004 CPU: 46 instructions, 740 KHz (today xx GHz) [p7 0903] , 1st CPU to put all into a chip
      Intel 4004 CPU
      [0935] Intel Core i7: thousands of instructions, instruction variants 1~15 bytes

Advanced CPU Design [P9]

make processors faster (boost cpu performance)

  • [0025] improve switching time of transistors
  • [0058] complexity-for-speed tradeoff
    • add divide instruction in ALU (prev imp by serious subtractions until hit <= 0)
    • [0137] instruction set getting larger & backwards compatibility: instruction set extends, people have written programs to use them — hard to remove them
      [0230] high clock speeds and fancy instruction sets lead to problem: how quickly getting data in / out of the CPU — bottleneck is RAM
  • CPU-RAM link: BUS(sets of data wires for data transmitted to/from RAM)

    bus might only be a few cm long, electrical signals traveling near the speed of light

    CPU op at GHz speeds, small delay could problematic
    need time for RAM to lookup the address, retrieve the data, and configure itself for output

  • a “load from RAM” instruction might take mtp clock cycles to complete, processor idly waiting for the data

[0315] caching: put a little piece of RAM right on the CPU — cache

  • cache close to processor, provide data quickly (typically in a single clock cycle, so no waiting required)
  • when CPU request a data, transmit a whole block of data from RAM to cache
    • computer data is often arranged and processed sequentially — CPU no need to go all the way to RAM
    • cache hit & cache miss
  • not much space on a processor’s chip — cache just KB / MB in size (RAM usually GB)
  • [0435] cache used like a scratch space临时空间 for intermediate values — cache async to RAM
    • cache use dirty bit flag to record the mistach for sync eth latter
    • sync when cache full & CPU request new mem
    • bf cache erases the old block to free up space, if dirty, old block of data written back to RAM bf loading new

[0535] instruction pipelining: parallelize ops

  • processor perform the fetch-decode-execute cycle sequentially: 3 clock cycles for 1 instruction
    • these 3 stages uses a diff part of the CPU → parallelize → (ideally) 1 single clock cycle 1 instruction, throughput x3
    • problem 1: instruction dependency, e.g. fetch sth currently is about to modify (fetch old value)
      • simple pipelined processors(SPP) have to look ahead for data deps, stall停止 pipelines if necessary
      • out-of-order exeution: High-end 高端 processors(HEP), e.g. in laptops / smartphones, dynamically reorder instructions with deps
    • [0750] problem 2: conditional jump instructions (change exe flow of a program dep on a value)
      • spp perform a long stall waiting for the value to be finalized
      • speculative execution 推测执行: HEP guess which way to go & start filling pipeline with instructions
        • When jump resolved, if guessed correctly, pipeline already full of correct instructions and it can motor along without delay 马上运行; if guessed wrong, flush pipeline
        • branch prediction: CPU manufacturers have dev sophisticated way to improve guess accuracy (today 90%)
  • [0905] superscalar processor: > 1 instruction per clock cycle, exe instructions that require diff parts of the CPU all at the same time
    • one step further: add duplicate circuitry for popular instructions, e.g. 4, 8 or more identical ALUs, exe math instructions in parallel

[0945] run several streams of instructions at once (above: optimize the execution throughput of a single stream of instructions)

  • multi-core processors (mtp indep processing units inside of a single CPU chip)
  • cores share some resources since they tightly integrated, e.g. cache, allowing to work together on shared computations
  • [1015] mtp indep CPU (e.g. 2, 4)

    supercomputer, e.g. in The National Supercomputing Center in 无锡, The Sunway TaihuLight (神威·太湖之光), 40,960 CPUs, each with 256 cores, each core 1.45 GHz